諾魯 职位空缺

諾魯共和國 职位空缺  
Republik Naoero
Republic of Nauru

〔 瑙鲁行政区划 〕
愛和區(Aiwo District)阿納巴爾區(Anabar District)安鄂灘區(Anetan District)安尼巴惹區(Anibare District) 白帝區(Baiti District)泊區(Boe District)部亞達區(Buada District)德尼高莫都區(Denigomodu District) 埃瓦區(Ewa District)艾珠區(Ijuw District)湄濘區(Meneng District)尼柏區(Nibok District)優雅布區(Uaboe District)
雅連區(Yaren District)

Pacific Island Jobs


Nauru International Airport





The Republic of Nauru

諾魯在第三世界中屬於較富裕的國家,國家經濟以磷酸鹽開採和國外房地產為主要支柱,在80年代初達到顛峰。磷酸鹽礦分佈佔全島面積的70%以上,是世界主要磷酸鹽生產和出口國之一,是國家主要的收入來源,磷礦乃繼承自億萬年所累積的海中有機物和鳥糞。採礦公司的礦場和工廠都是聘請外國人操作,大部份是基里巴斯和中國人。磷礦主要銷往澳大利亞、英國、日本、新西蘭等地;以往磷酸鹽外銷所得曾佔政府收入的半數,然而在長期密集開採之下,該項礦藏已面臨耗竭。除了礦業外,地上還有許多椰子、甘蔗、香蕉和蔬菜等農作物,一般農產品和魚獲勉強可以自給自足,但是主要的糧食、食水和日用品都要依賴進口,其中米和麵粉多由英國、澳大利和和新西蘭輸入,肉類由澳大利亞供應,日用品多來自台灣、日本和香港。諾魯居民並不需要交稅,甚至免除進口關稅,國家全部醫療和都是由政府負擔,住屋也是由政府修建和保養,如果政府在人民的土地蓋房子,還需要向地主支付租金。自90年代起,諾魯成為了一個避稅天堂,外國人能向政府購買諾魯護照。國際洗錢防制指出諾魯是在他們黑名單中15個國家的一個。而且,只需要25,000美元便能在諾魯成立一家持牌銀行。在國際洗錢防制壓力之下,及熱錢的流出,終於在2003年立反避税法。2005年10月,由於立法後成效滿意,國際洗錢防制把諾魯從黑名單中除名。Nauru (English i/nɑːˈuːruː/ nah-oo-roo), officially the Republic of Nauru and formerly known as Pleasant Island, is an island country in Micronesia in the South Pacific. Its nearest neighbour is Banaba Island in Kiribati, 300 kilometres (186 mi) to the east. Nauru is the world's smallest republic, covering just 21 square kilometres (8.1 sq mi). With just over 9,265 residents, it is the second least-populated country after Vatican City. Settled by Micronesian and Polynesian people, Nauru was annexed and claimed as a colony by the German Empire in the late 19th century. After World War I, Nauru became a League of Nations mandate administered by Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. During World War II, Nauru was occupied by Japanese troops, who were bypassed by the Allied advance across the Pacific. After the war ended, it entered into trusteeship again. Nauru gained its independence in 1968. Throughout the first half of the 20th century, Nauru was a "rentier state". Nauru is a phosphate rock island, with deposits close to the surface, which allow for simple strip mining operations. This island was a major exporter of phosphate starting in 1907, when the Pacific Phosphate Company began mining there, through the formation of the British Phosphate Commission in 1919, and continuing after independence. This gave Nauru back full control of its minerals under the Nauru Phosphate Corporation, until the deposits ran out during the 1980s. For this reason, Nauru briefly boasted the highest per-capita income enjoyed by any sovereign state in the world during the late 1960s and early 1970s. When the phosphate reserves were exhausted, and the environment had been seriously harmed by mining, the trust that had been established to manage the island's wealth diminished in value. To earn income, Nauru briefly became a tax haven and illegal money laundering centre. From 2001 to 2008, it accepted aid from the Australian Government in exchange for housing a Nauru detention centre that held and assessed the refugee claims of asylum seekers who had arrived unauthorised in Australia. The island has one airport, Nauru International Airport. From January to September 2006, Nauru became partially isolated from the outside world when Air Nauru, the airline which serviced the island, ceased operations in December 2005 and left the island accessible only by ship. The airline was subsequently able to restart operations in October 2006 under the name Our Airline with monetary aid from the Republic of China (Taiwan).
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