Republic of Kiribati

〔 基里巴斯行政区划 〕
吉尔伯特群岛 菲尼克斯群岛 莱恩群岛
巴纳巴 中吉尔伯特 莱恩群岛 北吉尔伯特 南吉尔伯特 塔拉瓦
Pacific Island Jobs
Nurses Development in the Republic of Kiribati
USP Kiribati Campus: USP Kiribati Campus
Careers at University of East Anglia (UEA)
阿巴尼亚 阿巴奧科羅 阿巴塔奧 拜里基 貝壽 拜克曼島 比克塔瓦 邦里基 布阿里基
阿巴塔奧 拜里基 帕埃尼尤 布阿里基 布奧塔 艾塔 馬勒納努卡 塔博里奧
Accommodation in Tarawa
Accommodation in Tarawa
Air Kiribati
● 邦里基國際機場
Bonriki International Airport
● Cassidy International Airport
Abaiang Atoll Airport
Abemama Atoll Airport
Aranuka Airport
Arorae Island Airport
Beru Island Airport
Butaritari Atoll Airport
Marakei Airport
Nikunau Airport
Canton Island Airport
Tarawa Kiribati - Visa Requirements
Ministry of Labour Human Resource Development
基里巴斯共和國,是太平洋上的一個島國,分成吉爾伯特群島、鳳凰群島和萊恩群島三大群島,共有32個環礁及1個珊瑚島,分布於赤道上3800公里的海域。“基里巴斯”這個字原意為該國三大群島當中最大的吉爾伯特群島之密克羅尼西亞語音譯,讀作 /kiribas/ ,擁有世界最大海洋保護區。基里巴斯是世界上最不发达国家(低度开发国家)之一。基里巴斯在1979年脫離英國獨立。基里巴斯是大英國協、世界銀行和國際貨幣基金組織的成員,並在1999年成為聯合國的正式成員國。
The name Kiribati is the local pronunciation of "Gilberts", derived from the main island chain, the Gilbert Islands. The capital of South Tarawa consists of a number of islets connected through a series of causeways, located in the Tarawa archipelago. Kiribati became independent from the United Kingdom in 1979. It is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the IMF and the World Bank, and became a full member of the United Nations in 1999. Overseas Internship program Job vancancies Micronesia Credit card scholarship auto insurance Gold card travelor's check cheap airline tickets hotels LCC Renminbi Bank currency foreign exchange immigration emigration visa work permit recritment