Aolepān Aorōkin Majeļ

Republic of the Marshall Islands
〔 马绍尔群岛行政区划 〕
埃林拉普拉普环礁 埃崩环礁 埃内韦塔克环礁 贾普坦岛 贾卢伊特环礁 吉利岛 夸贾林环礁 拉埃环礁 里布島 纳莫里克环礁
纳木环礁 朗格拉普环礁 乌贾环礁 沃特环礁 艾卢克环礁 阿尔诺环礁 奥尔环礁 利基埃普环礁 马朱罗环礁 马洛埃拉普环礁
梅吉特岛 米利环礁 乌蒂里克环礁 沃特杰环礁
Jobs in Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands Jobs
Business Opportunities in the Republic of the Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands Majuro Project Assistant Job and employment
College of the Marshall Islands
Air Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands International Airport
Telemedicine in Majuro Hospital,। Marshall Islands
Name Kwajalein Hospital
Address P.O. Box 1702 APO AP
APO, Marshall Islands 96555
Phone (805) 355-35xx Show22
Marshall Islands Journal
Republic of the Marshall Islands
Foreign relations of the Marshall Islands
國內約有6萬人,以漁業和農業為主,海域內富有鈷殼和錳結核等資源,魚產豐富。出口貨品主要為冷凍魚、椰子產品及加工品和土產的手工藝品等。主要進口項目:食品、機械設備、燃料、一般民生用品、菸草 主要進口來源:美國、日本、澳大利亞、紐西蘭、新加坡、斐濟、中华人民共和国、菲律賓、中華民國 主要出口項目 椰子油 椰乾餅及手工藝品 魚 主要出口市場 美國 日本 澳大利亞 中國 主要港口及自由貿易區 In 1979, the Government of the Marshall Islands was officially established and the country became self-governing. In 1986, the Compact of Free Association with the United States entered into force, granting the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) its sovereignty. The Compact provided for aid and U.S. defense of the islands in exchange for continued U.S. military use of the missile testing range at Kwajalein Atoll. The independence procedure was formally completed under international law in 1990, when the UN officially ended the Trusteeship status. Overseas Internship program Job vancancies Micronesia Credit card scholarship auto insurance Gold card travelor's check cheap airline tickets hotels LCC Renminbi Bank currency foreign exchange immigration emigration visa work permit recritment