Jobs in India

Job opportunities in India

The Indian Information Technology industry accounts for a 5.9% of the country's GDP and export earnings as of 2009, while providing employment to a significant number of its tertiary sector workforce. More than 2.3 million people are employed in the sector either directly or indirectly, making it one of the biggest job creators in India and a mainstay of the national economy. In March 2009, annual revenues from outsourcing operations in India amounted to US$60 billion and this is expected to increase to US$225 billion by 2020.

IT BPO & Customer Service Finance & Accounts Marketing Sales Production & Engineering Advertising & PR Banking Construction Distribution & Delivery Entertainment & Media Export/Import Financial Services HR & Admin Health Care Hotels & Restaurants Insurance Legal Oil & Gas Others Pharma & Biotech Purchase & Supply Chain Real Estate/Property Retail Chains/Shops Senior Management Telecom & ISP Travel & Airlines The most prominent IT hub is IT capital Bangalore. The other emerging destinations are Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, NCR and Kolkata. Technically proficient immigrants from India sought jobs in the western world from the 1950s onwards as India's education system produced more engineers than its industry could absorb. However, there are severe skills shortage among engineers, especially who lack in soft skill and technical skill, as a result engineering graduates remain unemployed after being pass out from college or university. India's growing stature in the information age enabled it to form close ties with both the United States of America and the European Union.
Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal. Andaman and Nicobar, Islands, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Lakshadweep, National Capital Territory of Delhi, Puducherry The BRIC countries met for their first official summit on 16 June 2009, in Yekaterinburg, Russia, with Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Dmitry Medvedev, Manmohan Singh, and Hu Jintao, the respective leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China, all attending. The core focus of the summit was related to improving the current global economic situation and discussing how the four countries can better work together in the future, as well as a more general push to reform financial institutions. There was also discussion surrounding how developing nations, such as those members of BRIC, could be better involved in global affairs in the future. In the aftermath of the summit the BRIC nations suggested that there was a need for a new global reserve currency that is 'diversified, stable and predictable'. The statement that was released stopped short of making a direct attack on the perceived 'dominance' of the US dollar, something which the Russians have been critical of; however, it still led to a fall in the value of the dollar against other major currencies. The foreign ministers of the BRIC countries had met previously on May 16, 2008 also in Yekaterinburg. One week prior to the summit, Brazil offered $10 billion to the International Monetary Fund. It was the first time that the country had ever made such a loan. Brazil had previously received loans from the IMF and this announcement was treated as a significant demonstration of how Brazil's economic position had changed. China also announced plans to invest a total of $50.1 billion and Russia planned to invest $10 billion.


Empleo Offerte di lavoro Offres d'emploi Empregos Baan Werk Taak Arbeidsplaats Baantje Vak Karwei Zaakje Emplooi Knoeierij Sjachterij Arbeit Aufgabe Auftrag Arbeitsplatz Stelle Beschäftigung Tätigkeit Posten Sache Metier Bearbeitung Ding Operation Trabalho Emprego Tarefa Obra Ocupação Obrigação Tarefa difícil Pequenos serviços Trabajo Empleo Tarea Puesto Oficio Misión Ocupación Cometido Deber Colocación Quehacer Golpe Robo Destajo Menester Enganche Suelto de mercancías Saldo Lavoro Compito Impiego Occupazione Posto Mestiere Incarico Mansione Commessa Impresa Affare Faccenda Sistemazione งาน งานอาชีพ ชื้นงาน ชิ้นงาน งานจ้าง งานเหมา เรื่องราว Poist Atvinna Iş Punë אַרבעט Pekerjaan Swydd РоботаTöö Treball Traballo Δουλειά Travay Posao Jobb Práca ПосаоTrabaho Práce Iş Lana Munka Állás Foglalkozás Meslek Görev Yyüp peygamber Eyüp peygamber Tip Estetik ameliyat Suç Alet Kârlı iş Työ Työpaikka Tehtävä Urakka Jobin kirja Keikka Juttu Askare Kova homma Ryöstö Souvi Travail Poste Tâche Métier Job Boulot Mission Profession Combine Trioptage ЗадължениеСлужба ЗаниманиеЗанаят Гешефти ЗорТежка задача Тежка работа Отговорност Изделие Кражба Много търпелив човек Детайл Афера Дръпване на юздечката Акцидентна работа Мушкане Престъпно деяние Йов Сръгване Việc Công việc Việc làm Việc làm khoán Việc làm thuê Праца Praca Zadanie Robota Miejsce Posada Sprawa Fach Rzemiosło Interes Nadużycie Akcydens Dziobnięcie Работа Pekerjaan Darbs Nodarbošanās Vieta Lieta Zādzība Rāviens Grūdiens Darbas Užduotis Tarnyba Nešvarus darbelis Detalė Staigus smūgis Akcidencija Stūmis Muncă Post Lucru Serviciu Loc Treabă Meserie Funcţie Ocupaţie Afacere Îndeletnicire Profit Pâine Realizare Prilej Speculă Furt Piesă de prelucrat Afacere rentabilă Achiziţie Ocazie Работа Задание Иов Труд Дело Должность Место Джоб Место работы Занятие Служба Урок Деталь Предприятие Рабочее задание Обрабатываемый предмет Воровство Многострадальный человек Терпеливый человек Сдельная работа Трудное дело Кража Недобросовестная сделка Получение должности по протекции СтройплощадкаВнезапный удар Внезапный толчок Изделие Акциденция Использование служебного положения в личных целях Лошадь или экипаж, взятые напрокат Использование своего Programa de pasantías Internship program Programme de stages programa de estágio โปรแกรมฝึกงาน Programul de Internship Clár Intéirneachta Program MagangΟικοτροφείο του προγράμματος Internship-Programm Staj programı Stažēšanās programma Työharjoittelu-ohjelma Chương trình thực tậpProgram Magang Staż Програма за стажирање programm internship Stažuotės programos Praktika programa Staj pwogram Praktika programm