Trabajo en Uruguay
República Oriental del Uruguay
Jobs opportunities in Uruguay
Trabajo en Uruguay
Trabajo en Uruguay
Air Class Líneas Aéreas
PLUNA Líneas Aéreas Uruguayas S.A.Ministerio de Turismo y Deporte
Bienvenidos a Uruguay Ministerio de Turismo y Deporte
Uruguay's economy relies heavily on trade, particularly in agricultural exports, leaving the country vulnerable to taxmarketers in commodity prices. After averaging growth of 5% annually in 1996–1998, in 1999–2001 the economy suffered from lower demand in Argentina and Brazil, which combined account for nearly half of Uruguay's exports. Despite the severity of the trade shocks, Uruguay's financial indicators remained more stable than those of its neighbours, a reflection of its solid reputation among investors and its investment-grade sovereign bond rating—one of only two in South America. In recent years Uruguay has shifted some of its energy into developing the commercial use of technologies and has become the first exporter of software in Latin America.Artigas Artigas Canelones Cerro Largo Melo Colonia del Sacramento Durazno Flores Trinidad Florida Lavalleja Minas Maldonado Montevideo Paysandú Río Negro Fray Bentos Rivera Rocha Salto San José de Mayo Soriano Mercedes Tacuarembó Treinta y Tres A worsening economic condition played a part in turning public opinion against the mildly free market economic policies adopted by the previous administrations in the 1990s, leading to the popular rejection of proposals for privatization of the state petroleum company in 2003 and of the state water company in 2004. The newly elected Frente Amplio government, while pledging to continue payments on Uruguay's external debt, has also promised to undertake an emergency plan to attack the widespread problems of poverty and unemployment. In May 2008, the unemployment rate was below 7.2%. In October 2009, the unemployment rate was 6.4 percent.
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