Jobs in United Kingdom
Jobs in United Kingdom
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
London Birmingham Liverpool Leeds Sheffield Bristol Manchester Leicester Coventry Kingston upon Hull Bradford Stoke-on-Trent Wolverhampton Nottingham Plymouth Southampton Reading Derby Dudley Newcastle upon Tyne Northampton Portsmouth Luton Preston Milton Keynes Sunderland Norwich Walsall Bournemouth Southend-on-Sea Swindon Huddersfield Poole Oxford Middlesbrough Blackpool Bolton Ipswich Telford York West Bromwich Peterborough Stockport Brighton Slough Gloucester Watford Rotherham Cambridge Exeter Eastbourne Sutton Coldfield Blackburn Colchester Oldham St Helens Crawley. The United Kingdom's economy is made up (in descending order of size) of the economies of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Based on market exchange rates, the UK is today the sixth largest economy in the world and the third largest in Europe after Germany and France. The Industrial Revolution started in the UK with an initial concentration on heavy industries such as shipbuilding, coal mining, steel production, and textiles. The empire created an overseas market for British products, allowing the UK to dominate international trade in the 19th century. However, as other nations industrialised, coupled with economic decline after two world wars, the United Kingdom began to lose its competitive advantage and heavy industry declined, by degrees, throughout the 20th century. Manufacturing remains a significant part of the economy, but accounted for only one-sixth of national output in 2003. The British motor industry is a significant part of this sector, although it has diminished with the collapse of the MG Rover Group and most of the industry is foreign owned. Civil and defence aircraft production is led by BAE Systems, the largest defence contractor in the world, and the continental European firm EADS, the owner of Airbus. Rolls-Royce holds a major share of the global aerospace engines market. The chemical and pharmaceutical industry is strong in the UK, with the world's second and sixth largest pharmaceutical firms (GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca, respectively) being based in the UK.
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