瓦努阿图 职位空缺

瓦努阿图 职位空缺 
Ripablik blong Vanuatu
Republic of Vanuatu
République du Vanuatu

< 瓦努阿图行政区划 >
马朗巴省(拉卡托罗) 阿姆布瑞岛, 马莱库拉岛, Paama 彭纳马省(隆阿纳) 彭特科斯特岛, Ambae, 迈沃岛 桑马省(卢甘维尔) 埃斯皮里图桑托岛, Malo 谢法省(维拉港) 埃法特岛, Shepherd Islands 塔菲亚省(伊桑埃尔) 塔纳岛, Aniwa, Futuna, 埃若曼高岛, Anatom 托尔巴省(索拉) 班克斯岛 and 托瑞斯岛

Pacific Island Jobs


Jobs in Vanuatu


Wok i Kik


Air Vanuatu


Bauerfield International Airport

The University of the South Pacific

Emalus Campus
The Senior Assistant, Registrar,
The University of the South Pacific,
PMB 9072, Port Vila, Vanuatu
Tel: (678) 22748
Fax: (678) 22633
Email: kausiama_a(at)vanuatu.usp.ac.fj
Website: http://www.vanuatu.usp.ac.fj/

Emalus Campus Homepage


Vanuatu A-Z Visitors Guide


Vanuatu Investment Promotion Authority


Government of Vanuatu


Vanuatu Post


Reserve Bank of Vanuatu

Vanuatu has joined the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Agence de Coopération Culturelle et Technique, la Francophonie and the Commonwealth of Nations. Since 1980, Australia, the United Kingdom (UK), France, and New Zealand have provided the bulk of Vanuatu's development aid. Direct aid from the UK to Vanuatu ceased in 2005 following the decision by the UK to no longer focus on the Pacific. However, more recently new donors such as the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) and the People's Republic of China have been providing increased amounts of aid funding. In 2005 the MCA announced that Vanuatu was one of the first 15 countries in the world selected to receive support—an amount of US$65 million was given for the provision and upgrading of key pieces of public infrastructure. Vanuatu retains strong economic and cultural ties to Australia, the European Union (in particular France and UK) and New Zealand. Australia now provides the bulk of external assistance, including to the police force, which has a paramilitary wing. Vanuatu's military consist of a small, mobile, corps of 300 volunteers, the Vanuatu Mobile Force (VMF), which forms part of the Vanuatu Police Force (VPF). Total military expenditures are not available. There is no Vanuatu High Commission or other Vanuatu Government office in Britain, but the British Friends of Vanuatu,[52] based in the London area, provides support for Vanuatu visitors to the UK, and can often offer advice and contacts to persons seeking information about Vanuatu or wishing to visit it, and welcomes new members (not necesarily resident in the UK) interested in Vanuatu. The association's Charitable Trust funds small scale assistance in the education and training sector. Overseas Internship program Job vancancies Micronesia Credit card scholarship auto insurance Gold card travelor's check cheap airline tickets hotels LCC Renminbi Bank currency foreign exchange immigration emigration visa work permit recritment


Empleo Offerte di lavoro Offres d'emploi Empregos Baan Werk Taak Arbeidsplaats Baantje Vak Karwei Zaakje Emplooi Knoeierij Sjachterij Arbeit Aufgabe Auftrag Arbeitsplatz Stelle Beschäftigung Tätigkeit Posten Sache Metier Bearbeitung Ding Operation Trabalho Emprego Tarefa Obra Ocupação Obrigação Tarefa difícil Pequenos serviços Trabajo Empleo Tarea Puesto Oficio Misión Ocupación Cometido Deber Colocación Quehacer Golpe Robo Destajo Menester Enganche Suelto de mercancías Saldo Lavoro Compito Impiego Occupazione Posto Mestiere Incarico Mansione Commessa Impresa Affare Faccenda Sistemazione งาน งานอาชีพ ชื้นงาน ชิ้นงาน งานจ้าง งานเหมา เรื่องราว Poist Atvinna Iş Punë אַרבעט Pekerjaan Swydd РоботаTöö Treball Traballo Δουλειά Travay Posao Jobb Práca ПосаоTrabaho Práce Iş Lana Munka Állás Foglalkozás Meslek Görev Yyüp peygamber Eyüp peygamber Tip Estetik ameliyat Suç Alet Kârlı iş Työ Työpaikka Tehtävä Urakka Jobin kirja Keikka Juttu Askare Kova homma Ryöstö Souvi Travail Poste Tâche Métier Job Boulot Mission Profession Combine Trioptage ЗадължениеСлужба ЗаниманиеЗанаят Гешефти ЗорТежка задача Тежка работа Отговорност Изделие Кражба Много търпелив човек Детайл Афера Дръпване на юздечката Акцидентна работа Мушкане Престъпно деяние Йов Сръгване Việc Công việc Việc làm Việc làm khoán Việc làm thuê Праца Praca Zadanie Robota Miejsce Posada Sprawa Fach Rzemiosło Interes Nadużycie Akcydens Dziobnięcie Работа Pekerjaan Darbs Nodarbošanās Vieta Lieta Zādzība Rāviens Grūdiens Darbas Užduotis Tarnyba Nešvarus darbelis Detalė Staigus smūgis Akcidencija Stūmis Muncă Post Lucru Serviciu Loc Treabă Meserie Funcţie Ocupaţie Afacere Îndeletnicire Profit Pâine Realizare Prilej Speculă Furt Piesă de prelucrat Afacere rentabilă Achiziţie Ocazie Работа Задание Иов Труд Дело Должность Место Джоб Место работы Занятие Служба Урок Деталь Предприятие Рабочее задание Обрабатываемый предмет Воровство Многострадальный человек Терпеливый человек Сдельная работа Трудное дело Кража Недобросовестная сделка Получение должности по протекции СтройплощадкаВнезапный удар Внезапный толчок Изделие Акциденция Использование служебного положения в личных целях Лошадь или экипаж, взятые напрокат Использование своего Programa de pasantías Internship program Programme de stages programa de estágio โปรแกรมฝึกงาน Programul de Internship Clár Intéirneachta Program MagangΟικοτροφείο του προγράμματος Internship-Programm Staj programı Stažēšanās programma Työharjoittelu-ohjelma Chương trình thực tậpProgram Magang Staż Програма за стажирање programm internship Stažuotės programos Praktika programa Staj pwogram Praktika programm